The jungle in our back garden

We are HOME… We are still writing stories from our last stops and will post those soon but we wanted to share that we are excited to be back in our own house, starting to see friends and looking forward to a big family Christmas where Willow, Nick’s grand daughter will be the guest of honour.

This is what around the world in 639 days looks like

Everybody is asking if it feels strange to be home, but it doesn’t! We’ve felt at home in so many ‘strange’ places around the world so it would be strange if it didn’t feel normal to be back in Perth. The house looks as nice as when we left it (thanks Julie!) but there is still plenty to do including some serious weeding in the garden, and unfortunately Nick has come down with the flu, but there is no rush really. It’s just nice to be here and even our neighbour’s cats recognise us and come visit – what more could you ask for!



  1. Sandra says:

    Although this means you are even further away, delighted to hear you made it back safely! ? Your blog has been such a joy to read, and I can’t believe it has already been 639 days… another confirmation that time does go by too quickly if we needed another reminder! It was so nice to see you both in NY and London ? – next time will have to be in Australia! ? Before I go, remember this blog is truly a little gem, worth publishing! Great writing, beautiful photos, amazing places, and above…. 2 wonderful people sharing their experiences! Food for thoughts I hope and on these good words…. wishing you a Merry Christmas (slightly ahead of time!) xx to both of you!

  2. Karoline Werner says:

    Wonderful to hear you are safe home – sad that we never got to see you when you were in Denmark. Wishing you a very happy xmas. Love xxx karoline

    • Thank you! It’s great to be back in Perth but we miss you here and we’ll miss you even more on the 26th thinking about having Danish xmas lunch in your garden! We only visited Aarhus for 5 days this year but we’ll have more time next time I hope. Merry Christmas to you all xx

  3. monica says:

    finally back home, must be feeling good and happy. just got back from UK. its always good to travel : ). and happy belated nameday Nick xx love to all in OZ.

  4. Wahidah says:

    Hello Malene and Nick, hope that you’ve had a wonderful summer Christmas back in Perth with all your love ones.
    I moved to Sydney for The Old Clare while you were travelling, and I’m still here 1.5 years on 🙂
    Now that you’re back, it would be great time to plan a trip to visit you in WA.
    Loved reading your travel stories and can’t wait to catch up in person.
    Sending you so much love and my very best for the new year xx Wahidah

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