Kuala Lumpur

On the way to Cambodia, we stayed 2 nights in KL.

Petronas Towers, the tallest buildings in the world from 1998 to 2004. KL is a city of malls and connecting walkways. We got completely lost and all routes seemed to lead to the Petronas Towers. Finally we got back to street level and after 8 hours made our way back to familiar territory. As unseasoned travellers, the walking got the better of us – feet, backs and sense of direction all suffered!

Over the top New Year decorations celebrating the Year of the Goat. This is one of the large malls but displays were everywhere in the city.

Getting into the spirit of taking photos everywhere and of anything. We haven’t bought a selfie stick yet but who knows…

Road management KL style!

We are loving our convertible Blackwolf bags and hope that in the next month or so we will figure out which third of our clothes we won’t need. Right now we are weighing in at 15.8kg and 15.3kg respectively (somehow I’ve managed to pack nearly the same luggage in a 60 litre pack as Nick fits in 75 litre).

KL was only a 2 day warm-up. Life in Perth is already behind us, we are looking ahead. Have no idea what it will feel like to be away for so long…


  1. Karin says:

    Dear Malene and Nick. I wish you all the best and I look forward to follow you around the world. Hugs and kisses. Karin

  2. Anne says:

    Nice pictures from KL. I was there in 2012. I stayed with young iranian friends. Apart from malls I saw a wonderful Islamic Museum.

  3. Elli says:

    Miss you already baba, and I am very jealous. I hope you are both settling into this new hard lifestyle. Love you. I’ll keep checking the post so it feels like your closer than you really are. Xxxxxxxx be safe

    • Malene says:

      Thanks darling, wish you could be here too. We are settling in, maybe a bit too well when it comes to the awesome cocktails at just $2 and only press-ups as an exercise. Love dad xxxxxx

  4. Elli says:

    Don’t rub it in ! You might want to be careful of those cocktails, maybe do a few more press ups hehe. Take good photos for me please, like real tourists do :)) xxx

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